Tuesday, July 6, 2010

"One small step, first right then left. I'm never gonna stop."

More good news yesterday!  We went in for our transfer and the embryologist informed us that our embryo is advanced for his age!  He was only supposed to be 8 cells yesterday but, to everyone's surprise, he was already a compacting morula on the way to the blastocyst stage!  Yay!!!!   He was given a grade of 1+ which they said was better then the best.

We even got a picture.

The transfer went well.  The gave us a really high percentage of success because of how quickly the cells were progressing.  My wife and I are so damn excited and incredibly scared.  We know it's still a long shot because we only had one egg... but at least it was a good egg.

So, now I'm home trying to rest and give the little guy a good chance to hatch and implant.  Also, I have to keep reminding myself that he's microscopic and there's no way on earth I should be feeling him hatch.


Kimberley said...

Fantastic news! I really hope this is it for you x

Courtney said...

Thanks! The waiting is almost unbearable...

lastchanceivf said...

You're off to a great start! Rest up and enjoy being PUPO.

Courtney said...

Thanks! I am totally neurotic but enjoying every minute!

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