Wednesday, July 7, 2010

"Don't stop believing... hold on to that feeling"

I would like to know how I am going to get through the next week... I've never been so unsprung in my life.

I wouldn't be this bad if I wasn't weighed down by the fact that were gonna have to take a break if this doesn't work.  We just don't have the money to try again right away.

Ok, that's a lie.  It would still be this bad.

I have been having little cramps all day.  But that could totally be just in my head.



lastchanceivf said...

I hate the 2WW with a passion. I hope it zooms by for you--and naturally ending with the best news ever!

Leah said...

Wowza! I lost you for a while when I lost some bookmarks. But here you are! And you did IFV! And things are lookin' good! Oh I am soo hoping and praying that this is IT for you! Keep us updated on the happenings inside of your uterus please.
: )

lastchanceivf said...

Hoping you got some really great news...crossing fingers and toes in Texas!

Courtney said...

Thanks for the good thoughts, folks. Hopefully, next time....

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