Friday, February 19, 2010

I'm having mutations.

Today was step one in my "get a fucking social life!" plan.  I spent a few hours hanging out with a friend whom I haven't seen in 96976 years.

I wish I could say it was awesome and we had a great time and that we plan on doing it again soon.  Unfortunately, that would be a big fat lie.

The truth is more like this:
I had a great time and I hope it was awesome for her too and if I'm lucky, maybe we can hang out again someday. 

I'm not normal.

I hope I didn't ramble too much come across as incoherent.  I know that I used the word "wild" 4087606 times.  Whatever... my vocabulary has to be rebuilt after nearly two years of speaking in monosyllables.  Gah. Coming out of hibernation is fraught with peril.

In other news, another woman announced her pregnancy at work today.  That brings the total up to: 2 newborns, one set of 3rd trimester triplets, one set of 2nd trimester twins and now a 1st trimester across the hall.  How fucking Fab!

Meanwhile back in the serengeti that is my uterus, nothing much is going on.  Not surprising at 5 DPO...I don't know why I'm expecting my IC pee test to reveal a lovely greeting from my blastocyst.

Le sigh.

Well, I'm glad that I had some human, non-work related, non-wife related social interaction.  Hopefully, the post-visit paranoia and panic will be reduced with regular applications of "people cream."

Time Spent with Friend:
Approx. 2.5 hours

Time Spent Worrying that I Sounded like a Cretin
Approx. 3 hours

Number of Public, Self-Gropings:

Today's Idle Threat:
"I'm going to fire my reproductive endocrinologist!"

Statement of Dramatic, Self-Pity:
"Everyone is pregnant but me and life is not worth living!"

Emotional Climate:
I'm having mutations.

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