Monday, March 29, 2010

"You'll think I'm dead but I'll sail away on a wave of mutilation..."

Ok.  Jersey City?  No, I think I'll take the refrigerator box on the sidewalk, thanks.

Yeah.  It was that good.  Never mind the fact that the porches of all the houses were completely caged off, never mind the fact that there were transient, shifty looking folks roaming the streets, never mind that there was nary a tree in sight... Jersey City is fracking ugly.  And I live in NYC.  Also let me note that the broker we met was a die hard republican just out of college.  No Joke!

Next up to look at is Montclair, Princeton and Outer Mongolia.

In other news:  Today is day three of my new and pathetically low dose, clomid week.  Some more hair fell out last night (yippee) and I'm a bit cranky.

If/when we move, I'm going to miss the sound of the barges on the river.  On foggy days like today, they sound like big mechanical whales singing to each other.  It's so weirdly comforting.

My cat is walking around with the tip of his tongue hanging out.  Why does he do that?  Does he forget to put it away?  Is he trying to dry it off?

Maybe one day I'll be rich and famous.

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