Wednesday, August 11, 2010

"Oh little rulebreaker, how do I break so well?"

As I said, my beta is on Friday.

Wanna know what else is on Friday?

The 13th!


But seriously, full on double rainbow all the way!

The best part of this,  the wife is so excited that she is letting me pee on as many sticks as I want without chastisement!


lastchanceivf said...

Friday the 13th is our 16 year anniversary--so I think it will be a very good day for you two too!

Leah said...

Dude, I was born on a Friday the 13th, and I am awesome, so therefore I think your Friday the 13th will be awesome as well.

Courtney said...

If my doctor calls and says, "you're knocked up," friday the 13th will be my new favorite day!

Happy Anniversary lastchance!

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