Saturday, July 3, 2010

"I'm walkin' on sunshine..."

100 mgs of Clomid....

10 mature follicles....

1 egg.

Yep, 1 lone egg from 10 follicles.  Unbelievable.  At least we know why I have not gotten pregnant... I have probably not really ovulated many, if any, actual eggs.  Needless to say, yesterday was a very somber affair.

But, this morning, we got our first bit of good news since we started trying almost 11 months ago...

we're fertilized!

Our one little egg is now an omlet!

So, we've cleared two hurdles.  The next hurdle is having the omlet continue to develop and the having it implant.  We're not out of the woods yet but, we're on our way!

Keep your fingers crossed for the omlet!


lastchanceivf said...

Well, crap on the first part. That's really unusual and I don't know much about 'empty follicle' syndrome, but I have heard of it. On to the good stuff: Hooray for 100% fertilization of your egg, I hope that embie grows and divides and burrows in deep. Good luck!

Courtney said...

Thanks so much.... The 3dt is tomorrow so, we'll see how it goes.

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